"Singing is such an excellent thing, that I wish all people would Sing."

Hi! My name is Vikki Flawith

and I am the Shy Singer.

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Long to Sing, but Too Shy to Try?

Always wanted to sing but felt too intimidated to try? Here's a place to start. Gentle, holistic method, experienced teacher. Beginners and mature students welcome.

In my studio, the study of voice goes beyond the mechanics of voicing music. For many of my students, our work is a form of music therapy rather than performance art. But, if we acknowledge the place we are at, and trust, we can move forward. Of course, the work can sometimes be challenging - as it requires practice, and change - and therefore a sense of perseverance and commitment is needed from the student in the face of doubts, procrastination and past programming.

If you, in your heart, always wished you could sing but couldn't find a way.... you might be interested in reading about my philosophy & approach. 2019 will be my 23rd year of teaching, and I have developed a new program called 'Gentle Beginnings'. It's really an holistic exploration, a journey of discovery we would take together online over a short period of time. You can read all about it here: tell me more

"I think any method that deals with mechanics only and doesn't address the fact that the voice is part of our human identity, or the fact that our self-image is reflected in the sounds we create, is leaving out a very important aspect of singing and speech. In other words, I believe that 'technique' and 'method' must also embrace, support, encourage, and reveal the artistry & spirit of the student." - Vikki Flawith


As sensitive people, we may shy away from loud noises. We may be super aware of our impact on the world. We may feel constrained in social situations. We might know what we think, but be unable to voice it. We may speak, but with a voice so small or soft that others can't hear it....

I know how it feels. I lived this. I went from being so anxious in social situations I could only stammer a response... to speaking on panels at music conferences. What helped me was the process of working on my singing - and the awareness it grew - and this road map is what I share with those who come to me for assistance in growing their voice, whether singing or speaking.

If you're at a point in your life where your speaking voice is raspy, hoarse, too soft, if you often suffer from sore throats without a medical cause... it's possible that lessons can assist. It's always good, though, to have things checked out by your doctor and an ENT before seeking out singing lessons.

About Vikki ~ Local Lessons ~ Testimonials ~ Gentle Beginnings ~ Contact Vikki




"The light within me is creating miracles in my

body, mind, and affairs, here and now"

(Shakti Gawain, Creative Visualization)

(c) 2002-2023 V.L. Flawith (Socan, Ascap)